  • All dogs must have an evaluation before attending daycare.

    The evaluation will allow us to get to know your dog and their temperament around other dogs. We also check to see how your dog does with sharing toys and treats. The evaluation will be set up by appointment only and is only 3-4 hours long to ensure that your dog’s visit ends on a positive note and that they aren’t overwhelmed for their first time in our facility. There is no charge for the evaluation.

  • Dogs that are active daycare clients (have visited in the past 30 days and have attended at least 3 times) can board with us.

    This ensures that they are comfortable in our facility. We would love to have your dog overnight when they need a home away from home!

  • All dogs must have proof of current vaccinations (Rabies, Distemper, and Bordetella).

  • Dogs must be spayed/neutered.

  • Our facility is cleaned daily

    with cleaners such as Wysiwash and Cherry 256 that are specifically designed for use around dogs, and we work hard to keep all areas clean to keep your dogs healthy and safe. This includes the water buckets and toys.

    *take a look at our facility!

  • Your dog will have access to water all day, including when they are in their crate or enclosure for rest breaks.

    All dogs will have mandatory rest breaks throughout the day, which helps to keep them from being overtired and/or overstimulated. With owner’s permission, dogs will be given a kong or puzzle toy to work on during their rest break.